FPI Management

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Information Technology

1. Accounting Bookmarks


ON-SITE https://www.on-site.com/

OFFICE STATUS https://officestatus.fpimgt.com/UserLogin.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f

MY TEAM FPI https://sites.google.com/a/fpimgt.com/myteamfpi/?pli=1

UKG PRO https://n35.ultipro.com/Login.aspx

UKG WEB CLOCK https://fpimanagementincclk.ultiprotime.com/mobile/

FPI HELPDESK https://fpimgt.helpspot.com/

COMPLIANCE DEPOT https://vendorcredentialing.realpage.com/WebApp/Login.aspx

PWB https://securebusiness.ebanking-services.com/eAM/Credential/Index?appId=beb&brand=securebusiness&ec=

BANK OF AMERICA https://cashproonline.bankofamerica.com/AuthenticationFrameworkWeb/cpo/login/public/loginMain.faces#/signin

FIRST CITIZENS https://www.firstcitizens.com/

WELLS FARGO https://wellsoffice.ceo.wellsfargo.com/portal/signon/index.jsp?TYPE=33554433&REALMOID=06-ca0b23b0-76b2-100e-be13-83e731d90080&GUID=&SMAUTHREASON=0&METHOD=GET&SMAGENTNAME=$SM$NFvCk8gBhaw0BrQgqt%2bCvCUlQLgDreOKg57TOp467dFsY%2b3i6ZHZziYC0Kd8gnUmSG4Wofw7%2f0Yk%2btEkhAtDdwHSL6%2bN8Cpg5MEBtw6LEPCM5%2bc9S8p3tFqoGahTRPny&TARGET=$SM$https%3a%2f%2fwellsoffice%2ewellsfargo%2ecom%2f

DOMUSO https://www.domuso.com/

CONSERVICE https://www.conservice.com/

1.2. Yardi


2. New Corporate Employee Section

2.1. Office Status Instructions

2.2. Remote Employees - Corporate Phone Instructions

2.3. Folsom Employees - Phone Instructions

3. Gmail Tips

3.1. How To Change or Reset Your GMail Password

Click on the link below for instructions on how to change or reset your GMail password.


3.2. How to setup Automatic Forwarding to Another FPI Mailbox

Company policy does not allow FPI Corporate email to be forwarded automatically to another domain (outside of fpimgt.com).  However, you can forward your email automatically to another co-worker or even forward certain messages to another person based on a filter.

See attached for directions.


3.3. How to Clean your Mailbox Efficiently


Mailbox & Google Drive space is 30GB combined.  Archived items still count against your space.  Thus, the best policy is to clean as you go.  As it stands, FPI will not be increasing space for users who reach their maximum.  FPI pays for a 10 year email archiving service on all mailboxes.  Thus, any mail you clean out can be recovered from the archiving tool.

Please download the attachment to find out some tricks on keeping your mailbox clean.

Additional questions can be directed to kristin.wood@fpimgt.com

Clean as you go, thank you!

4. Site Documentation

4.1. How to Order Equipment